時間:11月6日 · 晚間
召集人:Yxl Lo
1. X版生日快樂歌:等安可時間(團員們離開舞台之後)一起為YOSHIKI唱生日快樂。因為單純唱HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU有點老梗,而且YOSHIKI以往照慣例一直都自稱X年X月X日生的X歲,所以希望大家一起把生日快樂歌的歌詞改成如下:
Happy X day to you
Happy X day to you
Happy X day dear Yoshiki
Happy X day to you
2. 配合X版生日快樂歌比X:以上歌詞,唱到X的時候大家一起拿螢光棒or發光玫瑰or任何可以比X的東西(包括空手)一起比X。
基本上是一直唱到團員回舞台,也希望ToshI桑能陪我們一起唱(但有沒有辦法我就無法確定了)。道具的部分請自備,若有意見、建議或疑問請儘量提出,希望大家多多支持參與,宣傳的部分就請大家儘量幫忙,如果屆時還有其他活動,也會考慮一起做小傳單請大家幫忙現場發,感謝感謝m(_ _)m。
X JAPANのアジアツアーでは、11月4日の香港ライブにで、香港ファンによるPATAさんお誕生日お祝いのイベントを開催予定です。その次のライブ=11月6日の台湾ライブにで、私たち台湾ファンと一緒に、続いてお誕生日を向かえるYOSHIKIさんに、お誕生日祝いのイベントを開催しましょう!
1、X Ver.のお誕生日の歌を歌いましょう。
アンコール待ちの時間に、ハッピーバースデートゥーユーの歌を一緒に歌いましょう。でもYOSHIKIさんは一応X年X月X日のX歳なので、歌詞は以下の通りにX Ver.の替え歌にした。宜しかったら一緒に歌いましょう。
Happy X day to you
Happy X day to you
Happy X day dear Yoshiki
Happy X day to you
X Ver. の歌詞に合わせて、「X」を歌った時に手を上げて、Xポースをしましょう。ペンライトでもLEDのバラ造花でも空手でもなんでもいい。
The show at Hong Kong on 4/11will celebrate the birthday of PATA, and the next station of the X ASIAN TOUR after HK's is held on Taiwan, so why don't we make use of this chance to say happy birthday to YOSHIKI on that day!!!
We are decided to do so by the following methods:
1. sing the birthday song in X version: when we are waiting for the encore(actually it should be the time after X finished their songs), sing the birthday song to YOSHIKI. Since it will be so old fashion and boring if we just sing "happy birthday to you", we've decided to change the lyrics like this:
happy X day to you
happy X day to you
happy X day dear YOSHIKI
happy X day to you
2. sing the birthday song with gesturing X poses: when we sing the above song, gesturing "X" by glow sticks, the lighting roses shown in the icon, any others materials or even just do it by you hands.
If everything is on track, we are going to sing until the X menbers back to the stage, we also hope that TOSHI will sing the birthday song with us(but we're not sure he will do so or not).
For all participances, plz prepare the needed material yourselves, and plz don't hesitate to ask questions or giving us suggestions.
Let's join this activity together, and plz help the advertising jobs. If there is any other extra activities, we may also distribute some leaflet on that day. Thank you for your help and thanks for paying attention on this event. m(_ _)m
回覆刪除OK啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE ARE X!!!
回覆刪除WE ARE X !!!
回覆刪除到時候會有信號嗎?? 我在B4,怕聽不到QQ
回覆刪除版主回覆:(10/30/2011 04:05:58 PM)
請問安可時間是哪一段? 所有歌曲演唱完後嗎?
回覆刪除版主回覆:(11/01/2011 05:54:05 AM)